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Release Notes

Descriptions of new and updated features in the Elemeno App

Updated over 11 months ago

March 2024

Added icons to external links

Links with this icon indicate that the reader will be taken to a destination outside of the Elemeno App.

January 2024

Updated Page Formatting

Resources containing collections of other resources (aka Resource Guides) now have a new look making it easier for you to scan the contents of the page.

August 2023

Related Resources Panel

Added a new panel on the right-hand side of resource display pages that shows all of the resources which link to the resource being viewed. This helps you find resources on similar topics to what you are viewing.

Updated Navigation Bar

To resolve issues with the left navigation bar sometimes expanding when not needed, we've redesigned the navigation to be fixed to the left side of the browser.

July 2023

Mobile Login Improvement

Added a "Keep me logged in" option for select instances of Elemeno.

May 2023

What's New

Home Page

The redesigned home page is your personal dashboard for Elemeno. The experience is more user and team-centric, delivering top priority information where it is easiest to find.


Stay current with administrative and clinical updates from your team leadership and educators. Check back frequently for new information!

User Activity Panel

This is your Elemeno to-do list. When a Challenge is running for your unit, or you have resources which are Assigned to you, buttons will display in this space guiding you toward the next steps to take. This panel also contains links to your bookmarks, your unit's most recent newsletter*, and the Unit Essentials guide, a collection of helpful resources focused on important administrative information.

New and Updated Resources

The panel displays a dynamic feed of links to newly published and recently updated resources in your unit's library. Click "View All" to see a comprehensive list starting with the most recent resources.

Suggested Resources

This panel displays a list of resources curated by your unit's leaders and educators. Be sure to check this panel on a regular basis for new links.

Resource Pages

We've redesigned the Resource pages so that they are easier to scan and navigate.

Table of Contents

Jump directly to the desired section of a resource by using the jump links in the Table of Contents. This new UI element helps you to get where you are going faster.

Global Navigation and Persistent Search

Quickly move around the App, and get to the information that you need most with fewer clicks. On the Global Navigation bar (located on the left hand-side of the screen on desktop and in the upper right hand corner on mobile), check out the Newsletters link which will take you directly to an archive of all Newsletters appropriate for your Unit*.


Recognitions are now Shout Outs

Highlight the outstanding work of your colleagues. Not only has the name changed, but the 3 most recent appreciations are now featured front and center on the Home Page.

Resource Data

We have always displayed information about when a resource was published, who approved it, and which units it was intended for, but tin the previous UI, this information was hard to find. Because we know that this data is an important part of ensuring the Elemeno content is trustworthy, this information is now front and center.

Pins are now Bookmarks

The name Pins confused some users, so we updated the name to the industry standard "Bookmarks." Use this feature to save resources to your personal list of frequently used resources.

Send Feedback and Request Content

We've made these two feedback elements more prominent so that you can help your team leadership and educators improve what is in your Elemeno library. Find a resource helpful? give it a thumbs up. Think that a resource can be improved? Give it a thumbs down and a dialog will appear where you can give specific feedback.

The Request Content button is now located at the bottom of every page. Use this to tell your team leadership and educators what you would like to see on Elemeno.

*for units that use Elemeno to distribute their newsletters

November 2022

What's New

Resource Toolbar - We've consolidated a number of actions into a toolbar which can be found at the top of each resource. From this toolbar you can:

  • Pin a resource - Save it for later for quick access from the Home page.

  • Get information - Interested in when a resource was published and who approved it? Click on "Info" to view data about that specific resource.

  • View Source information - some resources link to longer, more comprehensive source documentation. Click "Source" to dive deeper into a topic.

Feedback Submission - We've improved the Feedback submission workflow by making it easier to find and the guidance more clear. Look for it at the bottom of every resource.

Optimized Home - We've tightened the spacing of the toolbar at the top of the home page so that you can see more of the information on your Team Card when you first login.

Icon location on phones - When using Elemeno on your phone, you will notice that the toolbar is now located at the bottom of the interface, providing you a better view of the information on your Team Card.

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